Authentic Himalayan Sea Salt
sourced by SALTOPIA
Join us for an ancient, therapeutic
Salt Cave experience at
Center Point Wellness.
With Saltopia's highest quality,
certified authentic sea salt combined with our wellness atmosphere,
it's a perfect match!
Join us to experience the benefits of this powerful natural element in our peaceful environment.

Who should visit our salt cave?
The benefits of Center Point's Authentic Himalayan Salt Cave are wide-ranging and for all ages. Whether you're seeking the benefits questioned and explored in scientific studies, or simply looking for a relaxing, meditative experience: a salt cave session is for you!
What types of benefits does the Center Point Salt Cave offer?
The negatively charged ions in salt may improve our health, mood and provide other benefits.
Respiratory wellness:
Breathing in the ancient Himalayan salt air may reduce inflammation in the lungs, improving conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, air-borne allergies, bronchitis and sinus congestion.
Immune System:
There are also research studies sharing results that may improve immune system function as well as central nervous system function. Many visitors enjoy sessions for skin conditions including eczema, acne, rashes and psoriasis. Table salt, sodium chloride, is dehydrating. Himalayan Sea Salt and mineral salts have natural moisturizing properties and support the skin’s water balance.
Mental wellness & mood:
Visitors often seek sessions in our salt cave to reduce stress, migraine headaches, increase energy, and even help with sleep deprivation.
What do visitors wear?
During our Salt Cave sessions, wear clothing you are most comfortable in. Our sessions offer passive salt therapy (designed to mimic speleotherapy from the natural salt caves of Europe!) as we do not actively force salt particles into the air, so you don't have to worry about salt covering you or your clothing. You could even run here right from work if you don't have time to change out of business attire. You are welcome to remove your shoes OR leave them on. Salt is antimicrobial, and antibacterial. We encourage you to bring water to drink and or enjoy a cup of our herbal tea selection during your visit inside the salt cave. It's our treat!
How long is a session?
Sessions are 50 minutes to ensure you have enough time to get comfortable and settle in for complete relaxation. We will gently notify you at the end of your session so you'll have a chance to gradually increase your alertness before slowly exiting. Please plan for at least 1 hour during your visit to allow for checking in time.
How many guests are in the Salt Cave at one time?
The Center Point Salt Cave comfortably seats 6 guests.
What time should guests arrive?
If this is your first visit, please arrive a few minutes early to fill out paperwork. If you are a repeat visitor, the salt cave will be ready for you as soon as you arrive for your private appointment -- if you arrive late, you will be able to go in for the duration of your appointment time slot. We cannot admit late arrivals for open sessions.
How much is it?
For open sessions, $18 per person (per chair) or you may purchase a 10 pack for $150 or an unlimited monthly open session membership for $99 per month. Private sessions (where you book all 6 chairs) are $100 for 50 minutes.
More details:
The Center Point Salt Cave will provide meditation music during your visit, but please feel free to bring your own headphones, or ear plugs, if you prefer. Open sessions are quiet sessions without talking. Private sessions allow for you to choose type of music, or none at all, and conversations are welcome if your group chooses. Please silence your electronic devices, and better yet, hide them away to experience the full benefits!
SALT CAVES have been proven for hundreds of years:
Salt therapy is also known as Spelotherapy or Halotherapy. In many European countries, the treatment is recommended by doctors and is even covered by health insurance. The most famous salt cave was set up 150 years ago, by a Polish physician who found that salt miners didn’t suffer from any lung diseases. A salt cave was then carved within the Wieliczka Salt Mines and became popular among those suffering from respiratory diseases. This mine is still in use today, as is another salt mine in Bochnia, Poland, which has been active since 1248. People suffering from allergies, neurological and rheumatoid problems are recommended to visit for the salt caves therapeutic value.
SALT CAVES for those who can’t find fresh air:
Studies show that people who live in places with high levels of air pollution have a 20 percent higher risk of lung cancer than people who live in less-polluted areas. Anyone who lives in or has visited New York City can attest to the air pollution. A quick trip to the ocean or the mountains brings instant relief to respiratory struggles. Salt caves work in the same way. Himalayan salt creates negative ions and air charged with negative ions balances serotonin within the body, which initiates higher energy levels and positive moods.
SALT CAVES benefit all ages:
Salt caves are not only incredibly safe for children but highly beneficial. Spelotherapy is often recommended by doctors in Europe to treat children with respiratory illnesses. The Belarus National Speleotherapy Clinic is a fully operational salt mine. Thousands of children visit each year and the local government claims that as many as 97 percent of its patients experience improved health.
SALT CAVE studies:
In 2006, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that inhaling a high concentration of saline improved lung function in cystic fibrosis sufferers. Another 2006 study published in the European Respiratory Journal showed that cigarette smokers who inhaled the ions from Himalayan salt had improved smoking-related symptoms, such as coughing and mucus production.
SALT CAVES offer long term relaxation benefits:
It’s been proven by holistic wellness and healing centers around the world, that spending time in salt caves offers a relaxation benefit that resonates for days after the official treatment session has ended.
SALT CAVES & FDA approval:
Western medicine does not support any of the research or findings listed here or within our other literature. While our Earth is filled with naturally occurring remedies for almost anything that ails you, please know that SALTOPIA’s information is offered for educational purposes and is not intended to replace the advice of your family doctor.